The Bridgeport Fire Protection Dis is located at 76637 Main St, Bridgeport California, 93517 and provides emergency services to approximately 593 square miles of land. The Bridgeport Fire Department (BPFD) provides fire and life safety services to a full time population of 750 residents in addition to thousands of visitors annually. There are 2 fire stations that BPFD operates out of which are staffed by approximately 20 volunteers throughout the year.
The Bridgeport Fire Protection Dis was incorporated in 1948 and at that time only provided fire protection services to the town of Bridgeport. Over the years the need for general emergency response arrose and eventually led to the response area we service today.
Mission Statement
The Bridgeport Fire Protection Dis is dedicated to protecting the citizens, business owners, and visitors of the Bridgeport valley by providing quality emergency response.